Not available because you can’t select anything in the front window or because you already have selected everything. Select the entire contents of the front window. Removes the selected text. Not available because nothing that can be deleted is selected. Remove the selected text. The text is lost forever. Not available because nothing appropriate is in the clipboard or because you can’t paste anything into the current selection. Puts the current contents of the clipboard into the current selection. Not available because nothing is selected. Copies the selected item into the clipboard. Not available because no text is selected. Cuts or removes the selected text. The text is put into the clipboard. Not available because the last operation cannot be undone. Undoes the previous text command. Edit Menu Use this menu to work with text. Quit this application. Import the machine database from a text file. Not available because the front window is not a document window. Import the machine database from a text file. Export the machine database to a text file. Not available because there are no entries in the machine database in the front window. Export the machine database to a text file. Save the front window with a new name. Not available because the front window is not a document window. Save the front window with a new name. Save the front window. Not available because the front window is not a document window or the document has not been modified. Save the front window. Close the front window. Not available because there is no front window. Close the front window. Open an existing Assimilator document. Not available because there is not enough memory. Open an existing Assimilator document. Create a new document. Not available because there is not enough memory. Create a new document. File Menu Use this menu to open and close files and ot import and export the machine database. Enter the groups this machine belongs to here. Groups should be seperated by spaces or commas. Type the client’s TCP IP number here. The client’s TCP IP number will be set as specified. Click here to set the TCP IP number explicitly. The client’s TCP IP number will not be changed. Click here to leave the TCP IP number alone. Type the client’s System volume name here. The client’s volume name will be set as specified. Only applies to the System volume, other volume names will be preserved. Click here to set the volume name explicitly. Only applies to the System volume. The client’s volume name will be set to the name of the source folder. Click here to set the volume name to the name of the source folder. The client’s volume name will not be changed. Click here to leave the volume name alone. Type the client’s owner name here. The client’s owner name will be set as specified. Click here to set the owner name explicitly. The client’s owner name will not be changed. Click here to leave the owner name alone. Type the client’s machine name here. The client’s machine name will be set as specified. Click here to set the machine name explicitly. The client’s machine name will not be changed. Click here to leave the machine name alone. Type the machinbe key information here. The machine will be selected based on its Machine ID File. Click here to select the machine based on its Machine ID File. The machine will be selected based on its harddisk creation date. Click here to select the machine based on its harddisk creation date. The machine will be selected based on its Ethernet Address. Click here to select the machine based on its Ethernet Address. Click this to cancel any changes. Click this to save the changes. Assimilator will alert you if a machine is not found in the database. Click here to have Assimilator alert you if a machine is not found in the database. Modify an entry in the database. Not available because a single entry is not selected. Modify an entry in the database. Delete an entry from the database. Not available because no entries are selected. Delete an entry from the database. Add a new entry to the database. Close this window. The information in this window will be saved as a System Extension. Click here so that the information in this window will be saved as a System Extension. The information in this window will be saved as an application. If you want to use it as a Shutdown Item, also install the Assimilator Helper extension. Click here so that the information in this window will be saved as an application. The information in this window will be saved as a plain document which cannot be executed. Click here so that the information in this window will be saved as a plain document which cannot be executed. Assimilator will make files and folders with this label invisible after they are copied to the client computer. Click here to have Assimilator make files and folders with this label invisible after they are copied to the client computer. Select the meaning associated with this label. Assimilator will not restart the Mac after it has finished assimilation. This may cause problems if you are assimilating the system folder. Click here to stop Assimilator from restarting the Mac after a successful assimilation. Only do this if you are not messing with the system folder. Click this to edit the machine database which is used to configure the computer name, owner name, volume name, and TCP IP number of the client computer. Assimilator will warn you if a folder on the AppleShare server is not accessible. Click here to have Assimilator warn you if a folder on the AppleShare server is not accessible. Type the minimum number of minutes between Assimilator reruns. Be especially careful with the system extension and allow enough time for the Mac to reboot, otherwise Assimilator may end up rebooting forever. Type the minimum number of megabytes you would like free on the harddisk. Out of date files will be in the trash and will not be deleted unless someone empties the trash or there is insuficient free space. Type the password that can be used to abort Assimilator while it is running. Click here to select the single source subfolder to assimilate. Assimilator will only assimilate a single subfolder. Click here to only assimilate a single subfolder. Type the password that Assimilator should use to log in to the AppleShare server. Type the username that Assimilator should use to log in to the AppleShare server. Click here to select the source folder on an AppleShare server. The AppleShare volume should be mounted with the same username and password as you enter below. Click here to discard all changes. Click here to save the document/application/extension.